
The Link between Thyroid Symptoms and Overall Health

The Link between Thyroid Symptoms and Overall Health

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck that plays a critical role in regulating the body’s metabolism. The thyroid produces hormones, T3 and T4, that help regulate the body’s energy levels, metabolism, and growth. However, when the thyroid becomes overactive or underactive, it can cause symptoms that impact […]

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Exploring Monkeypox: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention with Pictures

Exploring Monkeypox: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention with Pictures

Monkeypox is a rare viral disease that is similar to smallpox. It is caused by the monkeypox virus and is primarily found in central and west Africa. The symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and exhaustion. A rash then develops, often beginning on the face and then spreading

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